Bicycling Advocacy

Our Bicycling Advocacy program is dedicated to advocating for road design that creates conditions as safe as possible for bicyclists and equitable laws that encourage more people to choose to ride bikes. BIG would like for there to be a complete network of roads throughout Greater Greensboro, enabling bicyclists to travel as safely as possible from destination to destination. We envision every person in our community regarding the option to commute by bicycle with confidence and as a viable alternative to driving a car on our public roads.

Take the following link for an example of a recent BIG Advocacy Committee campaign. Learn how the committee managed to persuade decision makers to scrap a proposed Benjamin Parkway design that was particularly inhospitable to bicyclists:

The BIG Advocacy Committee is a loosely organized group of area advocates working together to improve bicycling in Greater Greensboro for all. The group currently meets virtually on the fourth Sunday of each month from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. The committee meetings are spent reviewing ground covered over the previous month, coming up with next steps, discussing ideas for new projects, looking at goals to keep on track of broader objectives, preparing for public comment, and addressing any other pertinent tasks brought to the committee's attention.The committee is open to anyone who would like to participate. It is important to have a diverse group of people present, particularly diversity of location. Ideally there would be an active committee member representing each zip code in the area. 

If you are interested in joining an Advocacy Committee meeting and / or would like to be added to the advocacy list-SERV as a way to keep informed on issues and keep up with opportunities to help, please fill out and submit the following form:  There is no obligation to actively participate when attending meetings or once added to the group email. We would benefit from your participation, but are happy for people to follow to keep current on local active transportation issues regardless.

Throughout the month, committee members implement tasks as discussed at meetings. It is important to have a presence at public meetings such as the bi-monthly Transit Advisory Committee meetings, the quarterly Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meetings, BikeWalk NC monthly state-level advocacy meetings, etc. There are public comment meetings to attend to present committee feedback on draft projects, plans, and initiatives to government officials, one-on-one meetings to attend as need be, etc. We work together when speaking as a group to elected officials when attending public meetings with something we are asking to happen or not happen. The group coordinates an effective way to present the reason for for the appeal. Lastly, our committee goes out as a group on bike rides to accomplish a variety of different goals. A few examples are recording hazards along greenways and their exact locations, meeting government officials at sites to evaluate conditions first-hand, and in response to a media request for footage of cyclists riding together.  

The committee also educates drivers. We held a well-attended memorial service in 2020 when a local cyclist was killed by a driver to stress the need for those who operate cars to be aware that they share the road with other people who are not shielded from injury with air bags, secured in place with seat belts, and surrounded by plastic and metal that tends to take the brunt of the impact of most car crashes. We also organize Greensboro's annual Ride of Silence as a way to draw attention to the need for drivers to remember that cyclists use public roads too and to pay our respects to people who have died or been seriously injured because of a crash with a driver. 

As an organization, BIG was created with a focus on bicycling advocacy. BIG and the organization's Advocacy Committee were founded to educate citizens about upcoming legislation, provide opportunities for citizens to engage with public officials regarding cycling infrastructure improvements, and helping riders better understand the rules of the road. We have expanded our organizations goals to include providing access to bikes for those struggling financially, conducting bike education courses, and hosting community bike events. Through our efforts we hope to shape Greensboro into a bicycle friendly community with bike infrastructure and laws that protect cyclists safety. 

Bicycling produces many tangible benefits including strengthening our economy, promoting public health, connecting our neighborhoods, and is an environmentally friendly mode of transportation. BIG welcomes people from all walks of life to become bike advocates as we aim to build an inclusive network of people passionate about cycling and the positive change it can bring to our community.

Below is a form to submit road and traffic advocacy requests. The Google form scrolls separately than the web page, so position your mouse within the Google form frame and scroll there.

If you have trouble formulating your response to the questions on the form, here is an example you can use.

Thank you for your valuable input!

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